
A chrome extension that send you messages that look like iMessage popups
When screensharing on a platform like Zoom, it becomes difficult for others to see people texting me. To fix that I created Pushy, a way to send myself messages that popup on my screen at opportune times.

Download it as a chrome extension or Go make your own on Github

Javascript, Chrome Extension.
(More projects coming soon I swear...who doesn’t randomly wanna re-do their portfolio at 11:43 PM on a Wednesday.

Github (nerd)

Born and Raised in Dubai. I now live in Brooklyn like every other creative technologist. I love making whatever weird little ideas that come to my head with a bunch of great people. I’ve worked on projects like giant gumball machines to musical soap dispensers to grass tote bags.
Now (Click to see a resume or a cv or whatever you call it)

Anomaly (Currently)
The New School - Parsons
Cartier Innovation